Here’s an Eco-Friendly Travel Suggestion for Christmas – Have Christmas in England.
Celebrating Christmas in England started over one thousand years ago. Christmas celebration began when Christianity arrived on its shores. And as one of the two most holy festivals in the calendar – the other was Easter – Christmas in England was celebrated with solemnity and fasting and prayer, culminating finally in the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.
Later, in the Middle Ages, Christmas celebrations became bigger. Many kings of England held spectacular Christmas Courts, when they wore their crowns to impress their subjects and accepted oaths of fealty.
Today, English Christmas traditions are shared around the world by:
- Counting down the big day by using an advent calendar
- Sending Christmas cards that send joyous messages
- Listening to Christmas music that adds magic
- The beautifully lit trees and scent of pine
- The bright lights that brighten the streets and home
- The whimsical Christmas stocking stuffed full of special goodies
Why England and London:
London ranks seven out of the top 10 Eco-Friendly World cities. Here are the top reasons why this grand city ranks so high.
London’s remarkable tube makes it possible to bring down carbon emissions.
Its phenomenal public transport systems in place that makes it all the more amiable towards the environment.
And, it has quite a number of green hotels and restaurants that take into account environmental concerns and go an extra mile to safeguard it.
Travels Suggestions:
Jane Austen Tour:
The recent revival of Jane Austen’s novels has created renewed interest in her delightful stories as well as English traditions. So you may find SmithsonianJourneys a wonderful way to delve into Jane Austen’s world with a visit to Winchester and Bath and enjoy a truly English Christmas.
Christmas Markets:
Ever since Charles Dickens penned A Christmas Carol our idea of Christmas has been characterized by glittering trees, fragrant roast Turkey and rousing carols.
Another icon of the festive season is the Christmas market, which has been revived in England in recent years and gained huge popularity. England’s BestChristmasMarkets are held everywhere from town squares to stately homes and offering everything from specialist gifts and traditional toys to festive foodstuff and warming brews.
Top Five London Eco-Friendly Hotels:
Right after the sumptuous Thanksgiving meals, we get ready for more celebrations. It happens every year—the holidays come in the blink of an eye. The air is buzzing with excitement as our family and friends prepare Christmas parties and gatherings. It’s always nice to travel for the holidays, away from our daily lives. If you find yourself in the English capital looking for an eco-friendly London hotel, you won’t be disappointed. Whether it’s for New Year’s or Christmas, traveling green will always make you feel better. Here are the top five environmentally friendly hotels in London.
FiveBestGreenHotels includes Savoy and four other fine London Hotels just waiting for you to stay and enjoy the Christmas festivities.
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