Are you ready for a hiking vacation?

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HIKINGTWOYou are, if you want to keep or improve your health and well being.


Here are the top benefits for hiking.

Increased energy

Hiking gives you extra oxygen and fuel to provide a boost that strengthens your muscles and lungs. Continued hiking increases endurance, alertness, and energy level.

Burns Calories

A regular hiking regimen keeps your weight under control.


Improved Creativity

Research shows that backpackers scored better on a creativity test after spending four days in nature and disconnected from all electronic devices.


Multiple Preventive Health Benefits

Regular hiking may:

  • Lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Prevents or help control diabetes.
  • Lowers the risk of cancer
  • Increases bone density
  • Provides a daily dose of vitamin D



Hiking may:

Elevate your mood

Alleviates insomnia


Are you inspired to take a hike? Do you want to search hiking ideas? 

Here’s a wide range of suggestions around the world that might be the right for you to take your hike.













Finally for the true hiking adventure

Here’s “The World’s Most Dangerous Hiking Trial – Huashan Trial In China


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Judy Kundert

Judy Kundert, a recipient of the Marquis Who’s Who Excellence in Authorship award, loves storytelling, from folk and fairy tales to classics for elementary school children. She authors award-winning middle-grade novels designed to inspire and intrigue children. After she left her career as a United Airlines stewardess, she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Loyola University, Chicago and a Master of Arts from DePaul University, Chicago. Most recently, she completed a master’s Certificate in Public Relations and Marketing from the University of Denver. For fun, she likes reading (usually three or four books at a time), watching movies from the oldies to the current films, traveling, biking, and hiking in vast Colorado outdoors with her husband. Learn more at can find me at the foot of the Colorado Rocky Mountains hiking, biking

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