The Magical World of Gnomes Gnomes are dwarfish, subterranean goblin or earth spirits who guard mines of precious treasures hidden in the earth. European folklore features these special creatures. Often depicted as small, hunchbacked figures with gnarled features, these mythical beings are a staple of medieval lore. Gob, the king of the gnome race, ruled…

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Mystery and Wonder of the Pryamid

For centuries archaeologists have searched for the puzzles and mysteries of Ancient Egyptian Pyramids, and there are still unanswered questions. THREE UNSOLVED MYSTERIES OF THE PYRAMIDS The world’s fascination with ancient Egypt has a long history; Greek rulers often portrayed themselves as pharaohs. Romans dragged obelisks out of Egypt to adorn their cities, including Istanbul…

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Help nature with an Eco-Friendly vacation.

“When a man moves away from nature his heart becomes hard.” Lakota proverb Just as staying in harmony with nature helps your heart, it also helps the environment, natural resources, and wildlife. These are the reason to consider a vacation of eco-friendly vacation resorts. Vacationing at an eco-green resort helps protect the environment, natural resources,…

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Why You’d Enjoy a Summer Journey to Native American Ancient Sites

  A summer journey to the ancient Native American sites around the country will be an enriching experience for you. You’ll gain a deeper understanding of the history of the United States. Since it’s estimated that Native Americans that the First Nations ancestor crossed the Bering Strait over 12,000 years ago. Native Americans are rich…

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Increase your creativity with a journey to ancient civilizations

“Leonardo da Vinci travels to the Holy Land to uncover a secret that has shaped the fate of all civilizations.” ― Amerigo Consta, Codex: The Origin of Thought             During this period, with extra time at home, you have an excellent opportunity to discover new worlds and expand your creativity. You may…

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Are you a book lover who loves the earth? Why not take a green literary vacation?

Green Travel Benefits Finding enjoyment with a vacation that offers extra benefits is the best part of Eco-Friendly travel. You’re probably a green traveler if you want more meaningful, challenging, and adventurous experiences in your travels with sensitivity and responsibility for the environment and the local cultures. I consider myself Eco-Friendly since I like to…

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