The Magical World of Gnomes Gnomes are dwarfish, subterranean goblin or earth spirits who guard mines of precious treasures hidden in the earth. European folklore features these special creatures. Often depicted as small, hunchbacked figures with gnarled features, these mythical beings are a staple of medieval lore. Gob, the king of the gnome race, ruled…

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Exploring a Miracle

Do you ever think about tumbling into another era as a time traveler? That’s the journey Abigail, the character in my new book, takes in Abigail and Sego’s Magical Train Ride to solve a mystery and complete her assignment for the 6th bicentennial assignment. She tumbled from her life in 1976 to the 1860s, when…

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  The Magical World of Gnomes Gnome origins are woven into European folklore, dwarfish, subterranean goblin, or earth spirit who guards mines of precious treasures hidden in the Earth. These unique creatures are incorporated into medieval mythologies; they are usually small, physically deformed (usually hunchbacked) creatures resembling a dry, gnarled old man. Gob, the king…

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Can Mark Twain’s Childhood Inspire Future Young Authors?

Writers are both naturally born and can be made. Early childhood can be a source of inspiration for a great novelist. Mark Twain is an example of a great writer who received creative inspiration from his childhood home and its surrounding world. Here are some exciting events in his life that inspired his future. Mark…

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Duke and Daisy are ready to help you take your kids to their next state on their plans for their fifty-state journey. Their next destination is Alaska, the 49th state. They also have some experts from Alaska to be the tour guides. Family members of Iditarod Trail Sled Dogs. Alaska’s native peoples include the Athabascans,…

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Help Kids Discover the Many Wonders of Nature

Welcome to Duke and Daisy’s Kid’s Nature Adventures. They realize that playing, exploring, and discovering nature is the best activity they can share with kids. So come along, grab your children, and enter nature’s enchanting world.   Intellectual Benefits. The natural world is a giant, open-ended learning laboratory. It promotes creativity and imagination. This unstructured…

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Why do Kids Love and Need Tall Tales?

Tall tales may have their origins around frontier campfires in the 1800s. Perhaps they began as “bragging contests” among the tough pioneers who were exploring the Wild West. And the stories kept getting wilder. Tall tales are essentially stories and storytelling can help kids solve problems, deal with stressful situations, and increase inner harmony. Tall…

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3 Great ideas for a children’s literary book tour this summer.

  Duke and Daisy are packing their travel bags for their suggestions to take your kids on a literary road trip this summer. They believe in Saint Augustine’s quote. “The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” Saint Augustine They’re packing their suitcases with children’s novels and picture…

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