Why self-discovery saves your life.
Wise men knew that the first thing we need to do to live a good and happy life is to find ourselves.
Mastering others is a strength; Mastering yourself is true power.” -Lao Tzu, Chinese Taoist Philosopher.
“Know thyself.” The meaning of these two words is attributed to the Greek philosopher Socrates and inscribed in the forecourt of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi.
What is your software?
Breathing fresh air keeps your body healthy. Knowing yourself is the discovery of the software for the mind and your spirit.
Without the right software, your mind runs crazy looking for the right direction. An unsettled mind results in a restless soul. Without understanding your software or the knowledge of yourself, you’ll spend your life running into dead ends that give you emptiness and even depression.
What happens when you are yourself?
The power of knowing yourself:
- Once you’ve got to know who you are and you’ve learned to love yourself, you should just do more of the things that fulfill you.
- Do more of the things that make you happy.
- Do more of the things that make you love yourself more.
Where can you find yourself? One of the best schools for self-discovery is travel. The packing, the airport, the new foods, the beautiful vistas, the fantastic people you meet along the way; all ample reason to go traveling. But none of these things top the list for the reason we travel, according to new research – instead, it’s the self-discovery, the finding purpose in our own lives, that counts.
In a recent survey by Capital One, three in four Americans, “travel to discover something new about themselves or the place they’re visiting.”
Traveling is a way of gaining new knowledge, so start today to make plans to pack your bags and hop a grand journey to find yourself.
Do you want suggestions for self-discovery travels? These places will open the doors to the different aspects of your real self.
Machu Picchu (Peru): It is both one of the Seven Wonders of the world and a remarkably spiritual location. The energy this site throws off is overwhelming – it wraps around every visitor that reaches this destination. This ancient village is nothing short than an engineering and architectural work of art. To visit it is a real sensory pleasure.
Camino de Santiago (Spain): Going along this way makes up the perfect occasion to be in touch with nature and with our innermost feelings. There are countless different routes leading to Santiago to take in many different ways; the purpose, for all, is to arrive at Santiago de Compostela – a beautiful town where the tomb of the Apostle Santiago lies. This pilgrimage is a true personal challenge – a good reason to face up to our fears and open to sharing with other pilgrims.
Petra (Jordan): Also known as “The Pink City”, they note this archaeological gem for being surrounded by rocky mountains. Despite earthquakes and time erosion, the city still holds temples and tombs dating back to the year 300 B.C. Its magnificent presence and its extraordinary state of preservation have made this place into the ideal destination for those who are trying to uncover the answers that those who preceded us kept with them.
Are you looking for more great travel ideas?
And here are more places to get lost and discovery self.