3 amazing islands activities to give your kids a Treasure Island experience
“We must go on because we can’t turn back.”
Robert Louis Stevenson, Treasure Island
Duke and Daisy are thrilled to take your kids on an island adventure. They think Islands are lovely places to dream about – sandy beaches, sunny days, warm breezes. Ask your kids this question? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to head out one day and discover an island?
Duke and Daisy think that using their imagination will help your kids discover their secret island.
To help your kids have some island fun, Duke and Daisy ask their friend Pete Parrot to be their island guide to help them discover some “Treasure Island” adventures and fun.
Okay, let’s get started since I have lots of good stuff to share with kids about islands.
Kids may ask, what are islands? I found two exciting places for kids to discover super facts about all the islands.
The Ducksters answers the question: What is an island?
Kiddle will fill kids with fun, exciting facts about islands to help them find their special island.
Now that the kids have discovered the wonders of island they can create some island creatures with these three how to design projects.
They can make colorful jellyfish.
They can create their beach starfish.
Here’s a safe way to play with sharks when your kids create a shark.
Books are kids’ magic carpet to island adventures. Your kids can find their perfect island book to transport them to a fantastic island world in Gillian Philip’s Guardian article the Top 10 islands in children’s fiction.