Add zest in your life? Take an adventure trip to John Muir’s corner of the world

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Are you ready to look up from your cell phones and step out into the wild?


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAIt’s exciting. Enlightened people are looking up from their cell phones and stepping out into the wild. John Muir is the one man that people should thank for saving the wild for them to recharge, reawaken, and revive all their senses.

John Muir’s advocacy for nature inspires us today. The John Muir Trail is a testament to his efforts. When you trot down his trail, you’ll start echoing his mantra.

The more time I spend out there, the more I learn about myself. The more I gain perspective. The more I feel renewed.

Get Ready for you trip on the John Muir Trail-

Check out these three things to inspire you for an adventure of a lifetime.

Youtube Video 






Get in the mood for the John Muir Trail and take a look at this video.

National Park Services information






NationalParkServices  offers complete information on a John Muir visit from the trail to a tour of John Muir’s home

Pacific Crest Trail Association









PCTA  a great resource on full details for planning a John  Muir Trail adventure.

Discover the talent John Muir









Finally, to understand and appreciate the artist and writer John Muir, you may want to pick up some of his  books

Books by John Muir

We provide the complete text of each book in HTML, organized by chapter, usually with the original illustrations. The following list is arranged by date of publication.

Source: Sierra Club

And remember:

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Judy Kundert

Judy Kundert, a recipient of the Marquis Who’s Who Excellence in Authorship award, loves storytelling, from folk and fairy tales to classics for elementary school children. She authors award-winning middle-grade novels designed to inspire and intrigue children. After she left her career as a United Airlines stewardess, she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Loyola University, Chicago and a Master of Arts from DePaul University, Chicago. Most recently, she completed a master’s Certificate in Public Relations and Marketing from the University of Denver. For fun, she likes reading (usually three or four books at a time), watching movies from the oldies to the current films, traveling, biking, and hiking in vast Colorado outdoors with her husband. Learn more at can find me at the foot of the Colorado Rocky Mountains hiking, biking

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